"Bridging Intracranial Communication Gaps"
We ALL have an inner compass which keeps us heading in the right direction. The difficult part is learning to listen. This inner compass is a gauge to help us keep our outer physical self and our inner spiritual self in balance.
Exposures of Major Frauds
You wanted me to describe in more detail each of the Frauds that were keeping our civilization evolving on a path of violence and keeping our species on Earth’s Endangered Species List.
In his book Growing Young the Anthropologists Ashley Montague concluded that in terms of physical characteristics and mental/emotional characteristics:
The Human Species was designed to grow and develop in ways that emphasized rather than minimized childlike (not childish) traits. In other words: We were never intended to grow up into the kind of adults we are now being taught to believe that we ought to become.
We were, by every confirmable measure, designed to continue, throughout our lives, to grow and develop traits like ‘curiosity, imaginativeness, playfulness, open-mindedness, willingness to experiment, flexibility, humor, energy, receptiveness to new ideas, honesty, eagerness to learn, and perhaps the most pervasive and the most valuable of all, was our ‘need to love and be loved.’
Montagu said that, “all normal children, unless they are corrupted by their elders, show these qualities every day of their childhood years. Unless they suspect they may be punished for it, they will tell the truth.”
The FIRST FRAUD for humanity began when humans were taught to emulate a hardening process that served only the survival of non-human creatures. The same process represents the greatest threat to survival for humans. We substitute cultural hardwiring for their genetic hardwiring.
This hardening of the mind was a long way from the real nature of humankind.
To overcome the FRAUD, Montague’s solution was to redefine the nature of human society, redefine our school system, and redefine teaching as essentially to be the discovery and revelation of order, rather than the present futile imposition.
This was never a problem when one studied the food-gathering-hunting peoples of today, and other anti-violent and nonviolent peoples. No early population of human beings could have survived had it not been for the dominant role that love and cooperation played in holding them together.
The future development of humanity lies not with increasing conflict but with increasing love, extended to all living creatures everywhere. Without love, there can be no healthy growth or development, no real life…”
In retrospect, this Fraud probably was inevitable.
Our Tribal Ancestors were unique from all other species. All other species were genetically programmed to play the role they evolved to play. Each evolved with an internal Instruction Book on How-to: “Live and Fit in.”
When Homo sapiens (that’s us) evolved, we had no genetic programing and no internal Instruction Book. We had to figure out for ourselves the role we had evolved to play, and we had to create our own Instruction Books on. The vast majority of our Tribal Ancestors benefited and enjoyed sharing with each other their Instruction Books as they created them.
The rare exceptions were Tribal Chiefs who believed their tribe’s Instruction Book was more REAL than all the other tribe’s Instruction Books. If the other Instruction Books were less real, then the other tribes were less REAL. These were the REAL PEOPLE. If other tribes were less REAL they were less HUMAN. If they were less HUMAN it was okay to enslave them. If a less REAL tribe resisted, Genocide would be the answer.
The consequence of this First Fraud was that an occasional Chief would lead a bloody path causing great suffering among the peaceful tribes. But in the long run none of the tribes of warring Chiefs ever survived. They were detached from the REAL-WORLD.
There was no Love and Cooperation to hold them together. Fraudulent Tribes never survived.
The seeds for the Second Fraud were planted when the REAL PEOPLE FRAUD was institutionalized.
Ironically that was during the Neolithic Village’s most peaceful period the human species would ever know. It was a time in which village women were at their high moment in providing cultural, religious, and social leadership. The first shrines were built along with elaborate ritual rapport with the cosmological order and the mythic powers of the universe.”
This era of peaceful village culture was founded on three great inventions all made by women. The inventions were: horticulture, pottery making, and weaving. Women also led in the domestication of animals. Families were generally matrilineal. These were the basic essentials that made possible the first transition from a matriarchal Peaceful Partnership Culture to the first patriarchal Dominator warring civilizations with a pyramid of “Power and Privilege” culture.
The Monastic Catholic Priest Thomas Berry described how we were witnessing a transition from female to male deity.
The transition was between two different cosmological models of reality:
· The male deity model represented a cosmological order of hierarchical dimensions with a supreme divine authority that communicated sacred power to a human leader whose rule was arbitrary and beyond question.
· The female deity model represented a cosmological order based on shared authority in which sacred power was dispersed throughout the universe and recognized and exercised by all participants in ritual celebrations—celebrations intended to harmonize the human community with the larger community of all beings.
The SECOND FRAUD ruled that the human species now would depend on a supreme divine authority that communicated sacred power to a human leader whose rule was arbitrary and beyond question.
The Dream of Democracy with shared authority in which sacred power was dispersed throughout the universe and recognized and exercised by all participants in ritual celebrations—celebrations intended to harmonize the human community with the larger community of all beings.
In reality, note that the REAL PEOPLE Fraud that We Are More Real than other people never ends, and will show up with every Fraud.
Think about it. The first Fraud 6,000 years ago may be foundation for the UNREAL WORLD that is keeping us from applying all we are learning in the 2nd half of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century.
During the European Age of Enlightenment, the 17th philosopher Thomas Hobbes proposed a pessimistic view of prospects for the human species. There was a growing demand for a Democratic evolution in France. That was a challenge to the Church and Hobbes declared that God had ordained Kings, Queens and Royalty to rule. Democracy would end in constant war of man against man. Hobbes insisted that only a Leviathan solution could save humanity. The Leviathan was the symbol of the Great Whale and an all-powerful government.
In the 20th century Hobbes’ Leviathan solution was adopted by Adolf Hitler. To prove his Christian loyalty, he had the words “Gott Mit Uns” (God with us) be inscribed on Nazi soldiers’ belt buckles.
In the 21st century Hobbes’ Leviathan solution was revived after the 9/11 Terrorist attack on America.
One day after the terrorist attack, the World Future Society sent an urgent invitation to prominent futurists to analyze the significance of the attack. Put the events of “9/11” into an historic perspective and suggest strategies for coping with terrorism in the future. Responses flooded in from scientists, scholars, think-tank prognosticators, government consultants – the cream of Western civilizations intellectual community.
Members of the World Futures Studies Federation teamed up with members of the Millennium Project of the American Council for the United Nations University to analyze responses from the experts. Within weeks more than 30 responses were posted on the Internet: www.wfs.org/fusurv.htm. The password to open the web page was “change.”
The responses by experts are divided into two categories.
The first category takes a Global Leviathan perspective. These responses rely on belief systems in which retaliation is the most essential element in enforcing codes of civilized behavior on inherently unruly and evil human beings.
The second category takes a democratic perspective. These responses rely on belief systems in which reconciliation is the most essential element in instilling civilized behavior in inherently decent and well-meaning human beings.
The Third Fraudulent LEVIATAN SOLUTION goes on and on.
In the year 2003, American University sponsored a “Debate on Democratic Government.” It was broadcast on C-SPAN. The debaters were Richard A. Posner, Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, and Jamin B. Raskin, Associate Dean, American University, Washington College of Law.
Judge Posner argued that democratic governments work best when they are run by political elites, with minimum input from the public. His thesis was that humanity is made up of two separate kinds of people. These are the wolves (those humans who will fight to gain wealth and power) and the sheep (those humans who are by nature subservient and politically uninterested.) The goal of government should be to domesticate the wolves enough so that they will serve the greater society of sheep. Judge Posner is author of Law, Pragmatism, and Democracy.
Professor Raskin argued in favor of a “participatory democracy” in which citizens play an active role in government. His thesis was that governing institutions cannot always be trusted to act in the interest of the general public. Governments are especially untrustworthy when those who govern divide human beings into two different categories of humans like wolves and sheep, and suggest that wolves are best qualified to govern sheep. He proposed that constitutional amendments will be necessary to guarantee that the public’s democratic rights will always be protected in America. Professor Raskin is author of Overruling Democracy: The Supreme Court Versus the American People
How many of us already know about the Fraud of the INVISIBLE HAND?
We should thank David Korten for the Exposé in his book Mindful Markets
Adam Smith was famous for two books. One was the classic Wealth of Nations. In this book, we read about the marvelous Invisible Hand. The book was a best seller everywhere. The Invisible Hand would be in charge of the balancing act that we were promised would make capitalism the most efficient and beneficial economic system for every person—rich or poor.
If all participants in the Economic Game acted in their own best interest, we were promised that the best interest of everybody would be best served!! But if our government ever fettered around to regulate the invisible hand in any way, all the players in the Game would not be best served. All would lose.
Adam Smith’s other classic was The Theory of Moral Sentiments. In this book, he described in detail the specific moral conditions under which capitalism and its invisible hand could benefit all players. In the Real World these Moral conditions were never included with the invisible hand. Smith always assumed that the hand always would operate ONLY within the moral sentiments of a society with a soul.
The UN-REAL WORLD, the source of many Frauds, functioned as a SOCIETY WITHOUT A SOUL.
When David Korten exposed the Invisible Hand Fraud he dedicated it to Adam Smith.
Korten then proposed that Biology would be a better model for what Adam Smith had in mind than Economic Textbooks.
By taking Smith’s invisible hand out of context Korten believed modern day corporations were driving the market economy into “terminal stages of a deadly cancer.”
Source: The Great Adventure: Toward a Fully Human Theory of Evolution that exposed the century-old Fraud in 2004.
Charles Darwin’s fraudulent paradigm we ignored for a century at our peril
We should be thankful to Charles Darwin for his Theory of Human Evolution.
In the 19th century Darwin wrote two classics on the subject of Evolution that made him world famous.
In one classic, The Descent of Man he spelled out in detail his theory of Human Evolution. This included a huge body of work that he used to personally teach his followers.
Darwin used the word “love” 95 times and the words “moral sense” 92 times. He even apologized once because he believed he might have exaggerated the importance of “survival of the fittest” in his other classic, Origin of Species which detailed his theory of the Evolution of all other species.
Darwin identified three traits that he believed were essential for the successful evolution and maturation of the human species. The three essential traits were:
Love, Cooperation, and Mutuality
In Darwin’s other classic, Origin of Species Darwin identified the three traits that he believed were essential for the successful evolution of all other species. These three traits were:
Survival of the Fittest, and Fierce Competition, and Mutation.
Within ten years after Darwin’s death in 1982 his colleagues deleted the huge body of work in the book he personally taught his followers. They totally reversed Darwin’s theory of human evolution which he described in great detail in Origin of Species.
They concocted the Fraudulent Darwinian Scientific paradigm. The so-called scientific paradigm was far from scientific. As a consequence, young people in every generation for more than a century have been taught to believe the Fraud that Charles Darwin believed the essential traits for the evolution and maturation of the Human Species were:
Survival of the Fittest and Fierce Competition
Worse yet, the fraud has continued to be taught some schools, colleges and university long after the fraud was exposed in 2006.
How could Darwin’s intelligent, well-meaning colleagues concoct such a radical reversal of Darwin’s Theory for Human Evolution that he actually taught right up to the last years of his life?
Darwin lived in a Dominator Civilization with a pyramid of “Power and Privilege” culture much like every other Dominator civilization for the past 6,000 years. Every Dominator civilization has been doomed to fall. But Darwin’s colleagues believed that a pyramid of “power and privilege” culture was the only sensible way to govern the masses that inhabited the vast bottom of the pyramid.
Darwin dreamed of a Partnership culture with Freedom, Democracy, Unity and Brotherhood for all. This was the biggest threat to his colleagues. They feared the threat of Democracy most of all.
Ervin Laszlo and his “General Evolution Research Team” came to the rescue.
We should be thankful to Ervin Laszlo, a famed classical pianist and world-class scientist in many fields. He recruited 35 scientists from 14 nations in 1984. This was to be his “General Evolution Research Team.”
Laszlo had believed that the human species had to have a story to live out of. He determined that the story humans were living out of was “driving our species to extinction.” His Team was to “bring to an end the insanity into which our species had fallen into.”
We should be thankful to David Loye who was a member of the Team as well as editor of The Great Adventure: Toward a Fully Human Theory of Evolution that exposed the century old Fraud in 2004.
Loye was candid about his own frustration as editor of The Great Adventure.
He said it was hard to decide where to begin the exposé because of the magnitude of the huge body of Darwin’s work that was excluded from The Descent of Man.
Loye described the “chief problem” we must face is how such a dangerous fraud could possibly have been overlooked for a whole century.
He said as long as the Darwinian Scientific fraud hangs like an albatross around the neck of science, we can’t move ahead fast enough. To add to the weight of the albatross, the scientific fraud rests like a stone within schools and weights down the minds of all human’s dependent on a Dominating civilization and its leaders.
This one fraud was the most haunting case on record of the mind-binding and blinding power of a scientific paradigm once it has been institutionalized. As a result:
“On the one hand,” Loye said, “here is a planet where threats to the lives of ourselves and all species are everywhere on the rise. On the other hand, here are the sciences, to which we look for answers to meet the threats, but here’s the shocking fact it’s time we faced: Behind the popular assumption of a seamless storehouse of advanced computerized wisdom there, in fact, lies abysmally widespread and chaotic disarray…”
As a result, throughout the 20th century, “our species has staggered from one disaster to another for lack of adequate guidance from mainstream evolutionary theory...the cornerstone for the Pseudo Mainstream Evolution Theory was that humans are basically selfish…and to believe otherwise is to be a foolish liberal do-gooder.”
This sounded more and more like the UN-REAL World that did not believe in foolish liberal do-gooders.
Riane Eisler wrote Chapter Three in The Great Adventure. She emphasized the consequences of the Pseudo Darwinian Scientific paradigm on Earth’s original Garden of Eden. From our species infancy, when its umbilical cord was cut, human beings had to make the awesome choice between a Dominator cultural society and a Partnership cultural society.
She confirmed that our tribal ancestors had been making the Partnership culture choice. She also confirmed how in the transition from tribal traditions to the first civilizations the Dominator choice was institutionalized.
For all practical purposes, our species had institutionalized a Dominator society’s suicidal path to extinction. We knew that most 19th century biologists were living out of a Dominator story. That motivated them to blot out all Partnership aspects such as Darwin’s “mushy traits” of Love, Mutuality, and Cooperation.
Had we been in the biologist’s shoes we likely would have done the same thing.
The Dominator “survival of the fittest” and “fierce competition” traits marked a radical shift away from the Partnership choice most tribal people had made. That shift would shape the history of every civilization.
Eisler summarized the failure of every Dominator society…the inevitable escalation of violence, the unprecedented dangers of the ever-increasing dependence on a military-industrial complex.
Nothing short of another radical shift in our evolutionary pathway could save our species from extinction. The shift had to be away from our Dominator culture of violence back toward the Partnership culture of peace that had once existed.
As a model, Eisler introduced anthropologist Peggy Reeves Sanday who described the culture of the Minangkabau tribal people:
Social well-being is found in natural growth and fertility…according to the dictum that the unfurling, blooming, and growth in nature is our teacher…Like the seedlings of nature, infants must be nurtured so that they will flower and grow to their fullness and strength as adults. Generalizing this principle, nurture is the natural law that humans should follow in devising social rules…This means that culture must focus on nurturing the weak and renounce brute strength…
Eisler believed our civilization and our species still had a clear Choice.
We had reached a level of technological development that, guided by a Partnership map, could lead to an era when we could at last reach a reasonably full realization of our unique human potentials. The other possibility that loomed before us was we could cling to our Dominator map. That would lead to the “human extinction phase” that would mark the end of the Human Species Adventure on Earth…
To succeed, we would have to address the many interlocking forms of domination and exploitation—from the economic domination and exploitation of “inferior” races, to the unbridled exploitation and domination of nature. Most important, we had to accelerate our choice from a dominator society to partnership society and a less violent and exploitive, more ecologically sustainable, equitable, and fulfilling future.
David Loye said everything he had sketched out probably could be accomplished with less than Microsoft or any other Silicon Valley giants would spend each year to capture “the little kids’ market.”
Seldom in the evolution of our species had such an opportunity arisen for so few of us to make such a difference in our lives and indeed in life itself. If we seize that opportunity now this can become the Great Adventure, not only for our own time, but for centuries to come…
We must confess though at the present time we were being driven backwards rather than forward in our species evolution. For more than a century we have been driven backward by the fraudulent Darwin scientific paradigm of “survival of the fittest” and “selfishness…”
Loye said he had begun to “see what increasingly haunted and infuriated me about the situation for all of us—as well as about so many of those like us around the world working toward the same general goal.”
“Here was this exceptionally bright, rather wondrously gifted people, pulled together to work for a truly noble and urgent purpose for society as well as science. And so, we wrote our papers, and our books, and beyond occasionally meeting and reading our papers to one another we and others like us published…a truly astounding amount of original work bearing on the advancement of our species; understanding of who we are and where we can and should be headed…
“And practically, functionally, as far as it is having any appreciable impact on our world, we might just as well, as with the proverbial shipwrecked sailor on a desert island, have put it all in bottles and tossed them into the ocean in hope of a reader somewhere, someday…
“While all of our output bobbed in bottles in parts of the ‘ocean of consciousness’ way off the shipping lanes, a veritable flood of so-called science was not only legitimizing the late twentieth-century wave of conservatism repossessing the United States and elsewhere, but also the “no-holds-barred” rise of predatory multinational power elites and government more generally.
“Darwin has been used for more than 100 years as the chief scientific legitimizer and false icon for all of this. Again, and again this fraudulent so-called science…was being contradicted not only by the work of groups such as ours, but by hundreds of other scientists of whom I was becoming aware. Almost all of it similar messages in bottles bobbing in the waves far, far from what was left of the mind of ‘modern man.’”
(This was the) socially devastating effects of a hundred years of American and European education amplified by movies and other media based on the authority of pseudo-science telling us we were primarily driven by “survival of the fittest” and ‘selfishness.’” (This was the socially devastating effects even President Eisenhower couldn’t put an end to.
Darwin had been a century ahead of his time. The real Darwin was a forerunner of Abraham Maslow, Ilya Prigogine, Karl Pribram, Jonas Salk, and other leaders in the breakthrough to the humanistic, transpersonal, and positive sciences in the latter half of the 20th century. If you want to know more about what Darwin really believed check out his forerunners on the Internet or Wikipedia.
I woke up sad this morning. Once again, I was thinking about the beautiful little children dancing up the aisle in our church to their Sunday school class.
The Darwinian Fraud was exposed in 2004 a whole decade ago.
The little children are growing up in 2014. Time is flying. Our species is dragging. How many of these children will learn about the Darwinian Fraud and all the other Frauds. They will be victims of the wave of conservatism that repossessed the United States and of the “no-holds-barred” rise of predatory new multinational power elites.
If you believe in God in the 21st century you should know by now that God is not a laagered when it comes to Evolution. Without the God Force of Love there would be no evolution. Then there would be no universe.
If you don’t believe in God in the 21st century, you can still believe in Evolution. You would not be here today if you and your species had not evolved to play a role here on Earth’s garden planet.
“God’s work” never stops and “Evolution goes on for eternity.”
The point is that the Work of “God’s Force of Love” on planet Earth in the Milky Way galaxy is going on everywhere on Earth and in the Universe with more than a billion galaxies.
The Process of Evolution that began 13.7 billion years ago will continue to evolve for infinity.
What a difference it will make when we know What Makes the REAL-WORLD Real and Lasting.
What a difference it will make when we know What Makes the UN-REAL WORLD Un-real and Un-lasting.
Knowing the Difference can be the most important thing humans must learn if they want there to be a habitable world for the human species to live in by the end of the 21st century.
We know our Scientific Technological Dominator Civilization may be the Last Wave of Civilization. In the past, a new civilization could be counted on to come up out of the ashes of the last Wave of Civilization to fall. We know that can’t be counted on in the past.
In the 20th century our species came within a hairsbreadth of a Nuclear Holocaust that would have taken out species and many other species with us.
We are the first civilization to have technologies powerful enough for our species to self-destruct.
We also are the first civilization to have our Species story, Earth story, and Creation story. That is the REAL-WORLD story every species evolves in and has to fit into to survive.
If the Last Wave of the UN-REAL WORLD lets our Civilization fall human beings will have no excuse.
Einstein teaches us to 'broaden our circle of compassion'.
The last wave of civilization - it will be up to us if it survives.